Monday, July 22, 2013

Laying the Foundation for the Future

Digging the Footers
I am happy to show some pictures of our new pavilion being constructed! It has a long way to go, but it is slowly becoming a reality. Part of our vision for the future is to start a church and a bible college. The pavilion will facilitate both. In Hosea 4:6 God tells us that His people perished for lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge of God Himself and of course His word in the bible. The priests were not teaching or living the truth of God's word. The people followed their lead. We want to break the bonds of spiritual darkness with the Light...the true Light - Jesus Christ.

Currently the children in the orphanage and nursery school are being taught the scriptures. David is also teaching the boys who play football (soccer) many times a week. He is forming 2 teams and wants to purchase uniforms. Football is everything to the older boys! They play anytime they can. It is of first importance to clear a place in the tall grass for football!
A Few Boys Playing Football (Soccer) After School

We also need to reach the adults with the gospel and the truth of God's word.

South Sudan has struggled through decades of civil war. The children that ran from the war in the 1980's and 90's, many called the "Lost Boys" are now adults in South Sudan. Most of their lives they have only known war, death, hunger, thirst, and despair. Our desire is for them to hunger and thirst after the living God and to take the message of Jesus Christ to all in South Sudan. Especially to the border of Sudan (north) and South Sudan where over half a million people are, once again, driven from their homes by air raids and troops from the northern Muslim army. The northern government has intentionally blocked humanitarian aid to many of these people who have fled to isolated areas with no access to the basic necessities of life. Some live in the caves of the Nuba Mountains to escape the daily bombings of the northern air raids. The misery seems to have no end for the people of Sudan and South Sudan. They are not yet in a fully declared war with each other. Please pray for supernatural intervention.

They need salvation and hope, a sure hope, that this world, especially theirs, does not offer. Rice, beans, and corn will give them physical life. Jesus will give them eternal life.

Mixing the Mortar

Laying the Foundation

Currently Samaritan's Purse and Voice of the Martyrs (sponsored action packs) are actively helping the refugees who are accessible. You can donate online to help them in this effort. Voice of the Martyrs is offering a free book for the month of July 2013 titled "Restricted Nations: Sudan" to help understand the history of the conflict.

Please join with us to equip the saints of South Sudan for ministry.

Pray for Rain!


Please everyone pray for rain!

Pajok, South Sudan has had very little rain in the last 6 weeks. When it did rain, there were high winds which blew over a lot of the corn stalks. We can plant but the Lord needs to water (we have no irrigation) and the Lord most certainly brings the increase. The Lord has provided rich fertile land to support the people of South Sudan.

Please pray with us for a decent corn harvest. This year we are expanding our farming from 7 acres up to 17 acres. The corn represents the 7 acres. We are preparing to plant 10 acres of beans soon. Corn and beans are the staple foods of South Sudan.

This corn will feed the orphanage and the nursery school.

Thank you for praying with us.

Grace & Peace in Jesus Christ alone!