Visiting God's Tender Mercy in Pajok, South Sudan is a joy that cannot be easily conveyed to others. It is a joy that is best experienced in person! It was like a coming home celebration for someone who has been away from home for a long time.
I was in Pajok the first couple of weeks in December. Teaching God's word was a main focus during this trip. We taught a survey through the entire Old Testament, 1 Corinthians, and 1 Timothy. I took coloring books for the children that went through the Old Testament. Each evening we taught the book or books of the bible covered on the coloring book page. Every night they colored by the light of d.light solar lanterns!
Solomon |
My desire was for the children to understand the big picture of the bible. Most people do not understand how the individual stories of the bible tie together which means they don't understand the big picture of scripture and how it applies to us today.
Many times the children would clap their hands at the end of the teaching! They were excited to hear the amazing accounts of the people in the bible and how God poured out His love, mercy, long suffering, and punishment on them at different times.
Christine |
Each morning we taught a chapter of 1 Corinthians before the children went to school. A study of spiritual wisdom, gifts, correction, the resurrection of the dead, and the consummation of all things was a great way to start each morning! Jesus is the Word and He is the Light of the world!
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